“Interview with Sergio Verastegui” by Smaranda Olcèse on La Belle Revue, 2021.
“Prix AICA 2020 : Clare-Mary Puyfoulhoux présente Sergio Verastegui”, AICA-France, 2020.
“How”, by Camila Bechelany on MOUSSE Magazine, 2019.
“Transpoème”, by Anne-Lou Vicente on Zerodeux (Cnap’s ‘Suite’ special issue), 2018.
“Transpoème”, by Franck Balland on Artpress, 2018
“La Psychoarchéologie de Sergio Verastegui”, by Pedro Morais on Le Journal des Arts, 2017
“Dead eyes opened”, by Lorenzo Benedetti for the exhibition “Dead eyes opened”, 2016.